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                                                                                      - Her Story -


A few weeks before I met Mike I remember asking God to allow me to meet my forever guy. I knew God answered prayers but it still baffles me how quick the answers come sometimes. When I met him I thought he was a regular joe who was just shooting his shot after a long day of work. To see his persistence in a way that most men are not willing to show made me look at him differently. We were from two totally different worlds but years later I see just how he adds to my life has been an amazing journey.



                                                                                        - His Story -


I remember seeing Chantell while looking through her window at her job. I knew then, that I had to have her. I wasn't really looking for a wife because I had been there and done that before. But something about her drove me to finally approach her after a few days. I finally approached her and she tried to curve ball me. But me being the forward man that I am did not accept that. Since that day we've been inseparable! I realize now more than ever, that love has no limits. 

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